
IES retention analysis from PacBio CCS reads

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MILRAA - Method of Identification by Long Read Alignment Anomalies

The MILRAA module predicts likely IES insertion/deletion coordinates from a mapping of long sequencing reads onto a reference genome assembly. The reads must first be aligned to the reference, which is assumed to be somatic (MAC) but possibly with some IESs retained in the assembly. The alignment is assumed to be accurate. The outputs are the coordinates of the predicted IES indel positions, and IES consensus sequences. At the moment, MILRAA only handles non-scrambled IESs.

The recommended aligner is minimap2, with the options --secondary=no --MD, with PacBio subreads/CLR reads (use option -ax map-pb), or PacBio CCS/HiFi reads (use option -ax asm20) or Nanopore long reads (use option ax map-ont).

Input data

Differences of long read to short read alignments

MILRAA is analogous to the MIRAA module in the ParTIES pipeline that was originally designed to work with Illumina short read data. The original ParTIES MIRAA uses an initial Bowtie2 mapping step (local mode) and looks for breakpoints in the alignment, which are identified as insert (I), soft clip (S), or hard clip (H) operations from the CIGAR string of the SAM record.

The insert size for Illumina paired end libraries is typically 300-400 bp, so on average each read pair would span at most one IES. Most read pairs are unlikely to span a complete IES nor contain the entire IES sequence. In comparison, a long read with lengths 10 kbp or more may span multiple IESs, and the entire IES sequence can potentially be read out form the sequence.

Therefore, MILRAA has the following differences to MIRAA:

Pointers and TA junctions

IESs can be bounded by TA junctions or pointers (tandem repeats). One copy of the pointer or TA is excised with the IES, while another copy remains on the macronuclear destined sequence (MDS).

MILRAA uses the following conventions for coordinates, although they may not correspond to the way that the physical bases are excised in the actual DNA molecule:

The coordinates reported in the start and end columns of the MILRAA GFF3 output are the coordinates based on the insert/deletion operations reported by the mapper. However, if an indel is flanked by tandem repeats, there is ambiguity as to where the “true” indel is, because it is not possible to tell from the sequence alone where in the repeated sequence the physical cut occurred.

For example, consider the following sequence containing an IES (upper case) surrounded by MDS (lower case), the junctions are indicated with the pipe character |:

gcgc|TAATGGTGCC|taatccgc (MDS + IES)

gcgc|----------|taatccgc (MDS only)

----|TAATGGTGCC|-------- (IES inferred sequence)

Notice the pointer sequence TAAT repeated in the left side in the IES, and to the right of the junction in the MDS.

The first sequence (MDS + IES), when mapped onto the MDS sequence, would have the CIGAR string 4M10I8M.

However, it is also possible to map it another way, with the CIGAR string 8M10I4M. The TAAT sequence now lies on the right side in the IES, and to the left of the junction in the MDS. The MDS + IES and MDS-only sequences have not changed, only our decision of where to place the junction of the inferred indel.

gcgctaat|GGTGCCTAAT|ccgc (MDS + IES)

gcgctaat|----------|ccgc (MDS only)

--------|GGTGCCTAAT|---- (IES inferred sequence)

Because the insert is flanked by the repeated pointer sequence, alternative mappings of 5M10I7M, 6M10I6M, and 7M10I5M are also possible. To deal with this ambiguity, MILRAA does the following:

The pointer sequences and adjusted coordinates are reported in the attributes field of the MILRAA GFF3 file, as described below.

Subreads vs CCS reads

PacBio sequence data is typically reported as “subreads” (see PacBio SMRT primer). Briefly, subreads in PacBio sequencing correspond to individual passes of a DNA molecule in a zero-mode waveguide (ZMW), where the sequencing adapters have already been removed from the sequence. Because a single molecule in a ZMW can undergo multiple sequencing passes, it can be represented by more than one subread in the sequencing data. For improving sequence quality, multiple passes are advantageous: the multiple subreads from a single ZMW can be used to generate a consensus sequence with higher accuracy than individual subreads, known as circular consensus sequencing, or CCS.

CCS reads are typically highly accurate (errors less than 1%), compared to subreads which can have error rates of 5-15%. However, to generate CCS reads, the sequencing depth of a library must be relatively high.

Subreads and CCS reads are handled differently by MILRAA to predict the positions of indels. This is chosen with the option --type subreads (default) or --type ccs respectively. The experimental ccs mode has been tested with PacBio HiFi Sequel II and may not work well with CCS reads from earlier PacBio generations with slightly higher error rates. subreads mode should work with CCS reads too.

Uncorrected Nanopore reads should also be run with --type subreads mode.

Diagram of MILRAA workflow for CCS reads vs. subreads:

MILRAA diagram

IES junction position and consensus sequence

With subreads, the error rate is high enough that the insert position reported by the mapper may not be accurate. Therefore, from the list of insert coordinates reported by the mapper (inserts above a minimum length threshold), clusters of insert coordinates which are no more than 2 bp from each other are extracted. If the number of insert-containing subreads in a cluster is above the coverage minimum, these are further processed to get the consensus sequence of the insert. The insert sequence and a flanking region of the mapped reads are extracted and aligned to get a consensus sequence, using SPOA. This insert+flanking consensus is then aligned with the corresponding region on the reference sequence. The flanking sequence helps to “anchor” the consensus in the reference, so that we can extract a more accurate insert coordinate. If this adjusted coordinate is more than 5 bp away from the original coordinates, an error is reported; this may represent inserts where the flanking regions on some reads are not homologous to the reference, e.g. from mapping of paralogs or from sequencing errors.

With CCS reads, the insert position reported by the mapper is assumed to be accurate. The insert sequence from an individual CCS read is also assumed to be accurate. However, even with CCS sequences the error rate is high enough that individual insert sequences at the same coordinate may vary from each other, including by indels. The higher the coverage, the more variants will be expected. Furthermore there is also the possibility that a site may experience alternative excisions, where the sequences excised may be of different lengths: see the section “Fuzzy IES length matching” below.

Read coverage

Because the number of subreads produced can differ substantially between ZMWs, it is preferable to count the physical molecules, represented by the individual ZMWs, rather than the subreads, to represent the read coverage. This information is parsed from the read names in the mapping file, which are assumed to follow PacBio convention. Therefore if the reads have been renamed, e.g. in a file downloaded from NCBI SRA, the subread vs. ZMW coverage reported will not be correct.

For CCS reads, each CCS read originates from a single ZMW, so the CCS coverage is used directly as the read coverage.

Fuzzy IES length matching (CCS mode)

The default mode for CCS read mappings is “strict”, i.e. to define a given IES junction, all the insert operations at a given coordinate must have the same length. However, this does not account for sequencing errors that may introduce indels, nor the possibility of different excised sequences at the same coordinate.

With the --fuzzy_ies option, insert sequences (putative IES sequences) at a given coordinate are extracted from the mapped reads. These are pairwise aligned and clustered by sequence identity. The clusters are then split at a identity threshold given by the --cluster_dist option (default 0.05, i.e. 5%). Clusters are then used to define an IES junction if they meet the minimum coverage threshold. The consensus IES sequence is produced from a multiple sequence alignment (with Muscle) of the cluster members. Gaps are reported in the output Fasta file (with the - character), but gaps are ignored when predicting a pointer sequence.

Potential limitations of MILRAA


MILRAA produces the following output files by default ({OUT} is the output filename prefix, supplied with the --out option):

With the --fuzzy_ies option, the following additional outputs are produced:

With the --dump option, internal data is dumped in JSON format for troubleshooting to:

MILRAA GFF3 output

The main output from MILRAA is a GFF3 file, with MILRAA in the source column (column 2).

Putative IES junctions are reported where a minimum number of reads (threshold defined by the --min_break_coverage option) contain an insert relative to the reference assembly. In the GFF3 file, these are reported with internal_eliminated_sequence_junction in the type column (column 3). Junctions are features with zero length on the sequence; in GFF3 convention the end coordinate (column 5) will equal the start coordinate (column 4), and the junction is located to the right of that location coordinate.

Putative IES sequences are reported where a minimum number of reads (threshold defined by the --min_del_coverage option) contain a deletion relative to the reference assembly. In the GFF3 file, these are reported with internal_eliminated_sequence in the type column.

IES retention score

The score column (column 6) reports the provisional IES retention score for that putative IES feature. The IES retention score is defined as IES+ / (IES+ + IES-) where IES+ is the number of IES+ reads and IES- the number of IES- reads for a given IES feature, in the mapped reads.

For subread mappings, the ZMW coverage is used to calculate the score, not the subread coverage. For CCS reads, each read corresponds to one ZMW so the CCS read coverage is used directly.

Attributes column

In addition, the attributes column (column 9) reports more information that is relevant to IES analysis. Attributes are formatted as tag=value pairs, delimited by semicolons ;.

The following fields are reported when the mapping data are from subreads, i.e. with the option --type subread:

The output GFF3 file from MILRAA can be used to plot graphical summary of predicted IESs with the script

MILRAA Fasta output

The Fasta file contains the consensus IES sequences, with headers corresponding to the ID field in the GFF3 file.